Monday, May 31, 2010

My Star Is About To Shine..

Ask and it shall b given:: I see the changes occurring around me which let me know that BIG THINGS ARE ABOUT TO COME..

Know how u are.. accept who u are and Love yourself..

Growth and Change

Through Life we all expect to grow and gradually change as we experience life.. But sometimes we dont expext the changes that always come.. and sometimes we have to make changes to put ourself in a better situation... Happiness comes from so many elements in life and the moment you realize that you are no longer happy its time to make some due changes..

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Human Body...

Why must people shy away from showing their Bodies? Is it to make others feel comfortable or is it to make them selfs feel less vunerable or judged? The human body Evokes such emotions with people...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Life and Death of Love complete..

I've written a lot of songs in the last few months... Taking my time waiting for inspiration to hit.. but for some reason when I put my ears to everything they all didnt jell like I Kinda bi polar like myself.. Some a little dark some really pop.. But after listening again I found the right team of songs that represent this album to really well. I stayed away from the dance songs for this album. I really just wanted this album to be one you can put in the cd player and just go on about your day.. singing along at times and maybe even losing yourself in the memories that you relate to in the music but none the less enjoy the music.. so without further explanation here is the Mix tape entitled Life and death of love..

Hear is all you need to download all the track for free.. Go to this site

enjoy and please share with a friend or enemy.. just share it Happy V-Day...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

InsideOut theme Song..

I am so honored to be a part of this series "InsideOut" the Movie.. I was invited to create some music for it and when I heard the story line I just knew I had to be a part of it.. Thank you Le'son Ivory and Wayne Hobdy for taking interest in my music and allowing me to share my talent through this great outlet..

InsideOUT - the movie - the official Insideout movie fan website
The Official Fan Website about the upcoming multi-film series InsideOUT. This film is for mature audiences over 17 y/o.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Long Distance/Moving On

Is it possible to love someone with all your heart and just let them go.. Is that even an option?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sometimes Being Alone is the best thing..

The feeling of being vulnerable and alone can be overwhelming but embrace your body and mind and listen to God.. He will show u everything u are and will be.. Embrace yourself and know that being you is enough.. More than enough..


This Vest has cause a lot of not really but I love the vest and thought i would show it to you all..

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cant Get Out..

Such a great song by the amazing R&B Singer Mario.. I totally related to this song and thought I would add another music vid to my I stayed up late and edited this vid.. But only to realize that I touch my head a lot and.. and really need a change of scene.. lol.. My bedroom is cute and all But you have to make change if you want it..

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dear Family and Friends

I just got really irritated last night and decided to post this quote on my face book status for all those to see..

Dear Family and friends I Must CLEAR something up I am Not Ashamed of My Body or Who I Am. If there's anytime where my lack of Clothes Lifestyle Topics or Racy videos offend you PLEASE dont hesitate to de-friend me. My truth is all I have and I will not let go of that for anything or anyone.. I will continue to be Me in every moment. That Promise I can and will keep. ME

Please dont ever let someones uncomfortableness effect you being you.. They dont like it or you they can keep it rolling.. is what i say.. I am sick of conforming to make others happy.. i want to make me happy.... Its my life...Why not..

Deadline coming

Its am almost here .. the album is almost finished and I am slowly doing vids to each song.. from the Lp of "Life and Death of Love".. here are a the 1st two.. enjoy

Calling it Love- talks about abuse in a relationship and finding the strength with to get out..

Never Dreamed of- Speaks of love coming by suprise and me never being a part of my plans..

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nyc brings the Sex out in Me!

Could it be?

A heart can only take so much..

A Heart can only Take so much.. Give all you got and then release..

Friday, January 15, 2010


Okay Marcus is gone but everything i learned from him is still here.. I had the opportunity to edited a video for Tina Brown a new up and coming Star a video.. Her music fit perfectly to the gladiator theme.. Check it out.. i dont know you guys my editing is getting pretty tight.. Thanks Hope you enjoy..

Monday, January 11, 2010

My Best friend Has Gone for a Few Months..

Marcus has left for italy for 11 weeks and I have the whole house to myself.. Wow.. Alot of stuff to accomplish and get back in order.. 2 dogs 2 cats to take care of and Career to focus on.. Buddy you will be missed and I will keep myself incredibly busy so I dont think about it.. lol..